I keep reading and reading down through these comments, looking for someone to post that list of currently influential Republican war/military veterans. Is it coming soon? John McCain is certainly one, someone mentioned Duncan Hunter, but he is certainly more influential locally than nationally. How about real LEADERS of the current administration? Anyone? Anyone?
Oh yeah, Colin Powell used to be there, where did he go anyway? My guess is that we are going to be hearing some choice words from him when all this is over.
And PD, there are LOTS of Democrat officers, they just stay silent when they are in military company, because it is expected. They are doing the right thing for group cohesiveness, and protecting their promotions! Arguing politics in the office or with work-people is counter-productive to getting projects done. The military is a 24/7 ‘office’ situation. We even live on bases together, shop all together at the Commissary or Exchange. If I met someone like you when I was an Officer’s wife, i would not have engaged you in debate. I would have smiled politely, been nice, but never really let you into my brain because the Wive’s Club group (also known as Knive’s Club) and all it’s gossip went straight back to the command. Everything affects ‘morale’ – so we were told – and so most people keep quiet. There is no way I would have unloaded my politics onto you at the risk of you sharing it with your husband, who then would publicly ridicule mine RushLimbaugh style (we all know that is how it works in squadrons), and have it become public knowledge. If that happened, and someone with your strong views was C.O. or X.O. at the time, my husband’s career would be done. Don’t confuse silence with agreement.