I just went through a major renovation in Mexico of all places and mainly remotely.
If you proceed here is my advice:
1. Create a high level list of what u think needs to be done
2. Tour the house in detail with at least 3 well recommended GC’s
3. Take extensive notes and use their comments to develop a detailed list of works. Specifications, etc
4. Request bids and compare pricing (mine ranged from 150 to 550)
5. Take all to dinner to get a feel for who they are – watch out for scare tactics, e.g. Mexican contractors are all crooks
6. Identify a preferred bidder and use your pricing comparisons to squeeze a litttle or fine tune scope (I didn’t squeeze too hard because they need to make money too and you don’t want them cutting the wrong corners)
7. Prioritize functionality over aesthetics (securing the house from the elements comes first)
8. Sign a contract and embark
Maybe I got lucky but the above worked really well for me – ontime and on budget. Here’s a link to my place in Los cabos post renovation. It was battered by hurricane odile so a complete disaster. We now have aluminum shutters and extreme low maintenance exterior (stone tables, etc).