I just wanted to point out something most parents of kids in public school already know.
Religion is discussed/taught in school. Just not in science class.
– My 4th grader has been learning about the Spanish Missions that were set up by the Catholic church here in CA. Obviously, they discussed that it was religious people doing this in the name of religion.
– Every winter “holiday” season they learn about Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza (sp?), etc. In a social studies point of view.
This is in grade school.
In high school I would imagine history, geography, and social studies will discuss regions of the world, dominant religions in those regions, etc.
The key – these are not discussed as science or single out a single religion as “the one truth”. They are taught in the context of social/cultural studies. They do not promote one religion over another or ask a student to follow a religion or believe its tenets.