I just left BofA not too long ago after transferring a big chunk of change to avoid getting axed if one of my other institutions go under.
The best part about my trip to the bank was the teller said “Good luck” as I was walking away. Only God knows what she meant by that comment. I answered back, “It feels like playing the lottery these days when making a deposit”. It was a really weird feeling for me after that little chain of events.
It is pretty scary when my day job is consisting of trying to protect my assets. Things are looking mighty grim. I was thinking today about global warming and buying a place in Greenland, I am sure it is the next hot spot. I haven’t heard from Gore in a while. I wonder what he is thinking right now. My guess is he is trying to make enough money to pay for that crazy electric bill of his every month!!
What happened to the days of talking about global warming and Britney Spears those conversations really intrigued me!!!!!