This website gives some detailed information on what just went down this past week and what is about to happen to our economy.
I truly believe the housing market is about to see a huge correction again. This correction isn’t going to happen over a couple of years but rather something that could take place over a few months. I didn’t believe this would actually happen until recently. I have been writing offers on numerous properties that had high cash flow potential (thank goodness none my offers were ever accepted). I now have moved toward a very pesimistic view of the real estate market after this weeks actions by the Fed and the central banks.
The very unique idea here is that there will be many opinions. The truth is the goverment in the next few weeks will be making moves similar to the game “Stratego”, but in this case they aren’t trying to capture the flag, but rather save the global economy. Each move will be crucial and one wrong move could cause catastrophic consequences.