I just concluded my latest jury service this week. I ended up serving without stepping a foot into the courthouse. I had originally been called to show up back in January, but I reschedule to June (ability to reschedule six months later) since our company offices were moving downtown from Mira Mesa and figured it would be easy to serve my time.
Two weeks ago I looked up my schedule online and realized I wouldn’t be in town the week I reschedule as I am getting married out of state, and then a honeymoon, and then starting up my EMBA program at the end of July. So, I call up the courthouse, explained my situation, and amazingly, the lady that I spoke to was a delight. After congratulating me on my upcoming wedding, she then suggested the five day jury duty service where I would call in five days after 5pm and be instructed to whether or not to come into the courthouse. Well, she suggested Memorial Day weekend where there are fewer court cases and one less business day. So, I called in Thursday night, Monday night, Tuesday night, and Wednesday night. Each night the recording said that I did not need to report and the final message was thanking me for my service.
This strategy may work for others if you can delay to a holiday weekend and then call in and ask for the dial in jury duty service.