I hear you all, but the new American motto to me is the following
1. Responsible savers will be punished via low interest rates and high inflation.
2. Risky investments, fraudulent loans, and massive debt will get you into a house that only goes up in value… and if the market ever starts to self correct.. the government will write legislation to help bail you out… and the fed reserve will do its best to keep your overly inflated asset at inflated prices.
… summary..
WE ENCOURAGE you to live a fiscally irresponsible life, live above your means, spend recklessly, NEVER save, and then when things go bad, throw a hissy fit like Jim Cramer until you get what you want. We will then punish those with patience and thrift by making them pay for your lifestyle via their taxes and inflation.
.. the only other thing you need to worry about is your celebrity role models, and then obsess about them when they commit a crime, drive drunk, misbehave in public, or just give zero effort in their MTV awards performances.