I have two appeals pending.
What’s important is the number you received upon filing your appeal. Call or go to the Assessor’s Office at the county admin. building to get a status update.
They are sooooo swamped, which may work in your favor. They have (I believe) two years in which to grant you an answer, a hearing, or simply cave and give you the value you asked for. Here’s betting a whole bunch of people will get timed out and simply get the value they demanded.
In one Florida jusisdiction with plummeting values, the time expired for the county to respond and they had to grant all the appeals by law. I think a similar situation will prevail here.
Homeowners, if you bought in the last few years, you should be documenting your current value and appealing your assessment. The potential savings are in the thousands. Get comps from actual sales that occurred 3 months before or after Jan 1, 2009. Other dates will not be considered relevant by the Assessor’s Office.