This belief that wealth is created through luck really makes me bristle because I have intentionally created great wealth in my life – twice.
I am a multimillionaire and I wrote out a plan almost 20 years ago, precisely how I was going to achieve that wealth and keep it after I got it. I confidently moved forward with my plan because I looked at every contingency I could at the time.
I did not miss anything in my life; to the contrary I enjoyed every minute of it (and still am) because I believed the outcome of my planning was a given and I had all the time in the world to enjoy life.
So, I plan 99% of the time and implement/act 1% of the time. Creating wealth has taught me the most important characteristic of the wealthy – Patience.
There was no luck involved. Period.
I was wealthy once before from scratch and also had a plan that worked. Where I failed the first time was I had no plan on how to keep that wealth and lost it making stupid investments. This time I have both sides of the “wealth plan” and it’s progressing just fine.
So I call BS on the randomness of wealth. Sure luck is out there but (and this concept may be hard for some to grasp) you create your own “luck” by careful planning so that you are prepared when you create it. (I would use the word “opportunity” in place of luck).
I read an article a while back which I referenced in an earlier post which stated that people who survive disasters (plane crashes, car wrecks, hurricanes, etc.) have a plan in place BEFORE the disastter strikes. They “rehearse” several scenarios so if/when it happens, they are prepared. Those folks survive disasters, time and time again and when asked if it was luck, they say No, I was prepared.
Prosperity works the same way. You rehearse and plan until the perfect scenario comes your way (or by being ready for it, you recognize it/create it to show up). Then you are ready, confidently prepared and you jump on it with both feet.
That’s why a guy like Warren Buffett consistently, year after year, makes money. He waits for the right opportunity PATIENTLY and when it comes along, he grabs it.
That’s why wealthy people can make money in several different, unrelated ventures. The core beliefs and actions taken to create wealth are basically the same.
Like Chris J says, he only takes the trade/puts on a position when all the varilables line up perfectly. Creating wealth is no different.
Luck my ass. Saying luck creates the wealth is just an excuse for someone who doesn’t plan. My favorite saying is “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.”
By the way, is the author of that book a millionaire? If he isn’t, he’s probably planning on becoming one after all the folks who believe luck plays a part in becoming wealthy buy his book. Heck, if it’s luck. Just play the lotto everyday…
My advice, don’t waste your money and buy into a belief that doesn’t serve you. Plan a lot, implement a little, enjoy your life, living in the belief that you will prevail and wealth will come your way. Success leaves clues.