I have to agree that I believe most people cheat, period. I have seen too much inappropriate behavior amongst men and woman, married or in a long term committed relationship. Cheating is to me a broader definition that includes messing around with someone without doing the deed. In other words, I don’t use the Bill Clinton dictionary.
I also have to agree that its often the ones that appear the least likely to cheat are probably cheating but GREAT about hiding it.
I have friends who everyone thinks they have such the perfect family, that the husband is amazing, and guess what, he cheats. He doesn’t carry on affairs nor a regular fling, but when he sees a piece of cake that he wants, he eats it. As one man described it to me, just because your favorite food is lasagna doesn’t mean you want to eat it EVERY day, every meal. You might actually want spaghetti, or mexican or chinese.
A LARGE number of woman I know are insecure, I would say the majority of all woman I’ve ever known. They can be smart, beautiful, have a great husband or boyfriend, and yet they still feel insecure. So they cheat because they NEED male attention.
I think most people are completely oblivious to the dynamics between other couples. How can you really know what happens between 2 people? There is a lot of cheating going on that none of us ever hear about nor see.