I have officially been in Arizona for 4 days. Not Phoenix. I am deep and I mean deep in the heart of Mormon strongholds. Snowflake and St John are big cities compared to where I am. Just got back from a ride on a redneck roller coaster (ie the back of a pickup racing down back country dirt roads). I have seen lots of inbreeding. Dental voids abound. Mitt is god. Swap meets are good places to find chain saws, seized engines, pit bulls, rifles and saddles. I haven’t seen a single border patrol agent or cop car. Not a one. I tried speeding..no takers. Open adult beverages…no takers. Blasting rap music…notakers. I even wore my Obama Hope t shirt…still no takers.
What am I doing wrong? No governmental types want to assail my rights.
Why can’t I be a douchebag like sdprun? Should I be pumping my breaks to annoy tailgaters? I don’t get it. This shit is supposed to be happening to me.
Looking for trouble but not finding it
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