I have had success with Linux-based, or open-source hosts, as opposed to Windows-based hosts. If you don’t know much about open-source applications, be prepared to enter a whole new world. I started to delve into it a couple years ago when I started my own business. I was looking for an inexpensive way to establish a web presence and open-source fit the bill perfectly.
I use Site5 as my host and have most of my domain names registered through 1and1. I also used GoDaddy in the beginning, but 1and1 is less expensive and provides private domain registration for free. Private registration is what you use if you don’t want anyone to know that it is you hosting the site as they will be able to look up your name, address, and telephone number in any WHOIS-type database.
I have been really pleased with Site5. They allow me to have 5 individual domain names (websites) for each account. So, if you start one account, you can have 5 completely separate websites on it at no additional charge. Another feature I like is that they have Fantastico in their control panel. Fantastico allows you to install any number of different scripts, or programs, with a few mouse clicks. Examples of scripts would be content management programs like Drupal (which is what this site uses), PHPBB which is a forum program, or WebCalendar which is an online calendar. Again, all of these programs are open-source and are free. One caveat, learn how to update them as they change and like all programs are susceptible to hackers.
Feel free to contact me if you want any more info: r_n91@hotmail.com