I have been slow, but I’ve come to Jesus as far as Apple goes. Just stop resisting, stop saying the the words “It’s just as good,” cause it isn’t. I bought a non ipod mp3 player years ago, trash, eventually got an ipod. I bought three non iphone smartphones, all trashed, iphone for life now. I’ve had half a dozen laptops, all gone, got a macbook pro last week, freaking love it. The three pc desktops in my house, their days are numbered, as they fail, they will be replaced by macs, and the ipad, it’s just matter of time, ill hold out as long as I can, I’ll use the other devices as long as I can, but I know at some point, I’ll have one of those too. My only complaint with apple is that they think of stuff I never needed and make me need it. How about they make stuff I already have to get and just make them better, more reliable, easier to use and beautiful. Three years ago I posted that they need to make an iCar, I’m still waiting. There are plenty of sucky products out there that the cupertino hippies could redesign and make everyone’s life better, here are just a few suggestions they could start with, there are plenty of things that need fixing before they make up another thing I never knew I needed. iCondoms, iTaxes, iTraffic, iBald, iCancer, iAztecsfinalfour, iBackpain, iFuel, iColdmedicine, the list could go on and on. C’mon apple, you can invent new stuff later, fix the stuff that sucks first!
But if I find out that they created Jimmer Fredette in their lab, I’m throwing all their stuff out too.