I have a simple suggestion. Vote no on all of them. There might be one or two that you like, but the problem that I see is that the ballot proposition idea sounds good but in practice is terrible.
All too often there is little unbiased information about these ballot and no information about possible unintended consequences. Many times in recent years voters have been fooled or tricked into voting for things that are not what they think they are.
Many of the propositions are also for large bond issues. Notice that we only get to vote on spending money on the issues that voters are likely to support. (education, environmental protection, police and firefighting) What the state assembly does when they want more money, is spend the general fund on their pet projects and then let these ballot propositions fund the things they should have funded instead of their special interest projects.
So, the sooner we stop trying to run our government through this process the better. Thus, I recommend voting no on all of these issues.