I guess we will see. I think the mini mania will still continue but we “should” see some more inventory hit the market.
Funny you had mentioned Bliss Circle. I had a listing on that street back in 2007. The sellers were really nice and kept the home immaculate. They had a very bad case of the denials though. They tried to fetch in the mid 500’s then chased the market into the low 500’s. The home finally sold in 2008 for 425k or something very close to that. It was also one of the smaller models, the 1900 sf model. It did back up to Oliver instead of North which is better from a noise perspective.
Not sure what over homes you are looking at around there. Have you looked at anything over at Ivey Glenn? Nice neighborhood. I do not know if there is anything active over there.
If it is a pure deal you are looking for it sounds like Rancho Del Oro will be the best bet. I would assume the bus took you over there today.
At any rate, if you have patience I think you will find better deals in the future. Maybe not better pricing on the low end stuff, but perhaps better pricing on some of the quality stuff that is stickier up there.