I guess I’m not just an idiot, I’m a big-time idiot. I’m buying with way more than 20% down. I sold my previous home near the high point in 2004 and have been renting ever since. With the money I made on that sale + 5 years of interests earned, I’m able to buy a home nearly twice as big while paying only about $300 more per month in mortgage (actually just $150 more, considering that the new home’s HOA fee is a lot cheaper than the old townhouse community).
As a renter, I didn’t feel as attached to my home. As a renter, I didn’t feel like taking on any project to further beautify my home. As a renter, I could never forget the fact that I’m a renter with no sense of belonging.
The math worked out. The location is ideal. The home and the community are just what I’ve always wanted. I guess I’m a calculated and satisfied idiot.