I guess I just do not understand the entire issue. I mean I am so far away from understanding the mentality that I guess I am missing the point. I have gone round and round with OC Scam on this issue many moons ago….
Why is there a sense of entitlement that people about not needing to pay rent if the landlord is in trouble with the lender?
What if the landlord got into financial ruin because of a bad investment? What if he lost everything due to a lawsuit? What if he lost everything due to credit card debt? I really believe that an agreement between a tenant and a landlord is a total orthoganol event to anything else.
If you do not want to pay rent then do not pay rent. Why should it matter if the landlord is going to lose the house or not. What argument is there to pay rent at all even if the landlord is making his mortgage payments? If the end goal is to be a squatter in the home to eventually own it then say so. That is okay by me. I mean I don’t agree with it but at least it makes some sense to me.
Anyways like I said, I guess I just don’t understand the mindset.