I forgot to add to my prediction for the RNC that if Rubio isn’t brought back in by the PTB (unlikely now that the RNC has stated publicly that they will “follow the rules” at “their” convention), the potential votes from his 163 soon-to-be-unbound delegates who will also be roaming the convention floor (not that this will change much of anything, either). Nonetheless, it’s going to be very interesting this July!
On another note, this piece just came out yesterday:
Due to all the “new” insureds (those who were uninsured for years before signing onto an “obamacare” plan) having a multitude of health issues due to not seeing a health provider for years … even decades (as well as not taking care of themselves over the years), carriers on the ACA’s exchanges are apparently losing money hand over fist.
Who wouldda thunk it?
I suspect the premium on my Gold plan will go up another ~$300 month for 2017 so I’ll likely have to drop down (again) to Silver 70 or 73 this fall when renewing for 2017 unless we can get some more carriers here in Region 19 (SD County) who will offer reasonable individual PPO plans “off-exchange” which are higher than Bronze.
Hopefully, this will just be a temporary measure until our new Prez (anyone but Hillary) can successfully dismantle obamacare and bring back all these carriers who fled the individual market in the wake of obamacare (or develop a viable “single payor” system with optional supplements for purchase).
Then again, maybe dismantling obamacare and coming up with a fair alternative could take so long that I’ll be on Medicare before it happens and will no longer give a rat’s a$$ :=0
It certainly DOES make more business sense for the major carriers to “sit on the sidelines” (sit out obamacare as well as the individual market under the ACA, while keeping their “enterprise clients”) rather than jump in and be forced to cover a much sicker population (esp the 50-64 age group). After all, we’re all aware that money keeps indefinitely without refrigeration :=0
Who do y’all think is going to win at this game??
Hint: it’s NOT going to be Joe and Jane 6pAmerican who are currently “mandated” to buy coverage :=0
Folks, this unfortunate “obamacare debacle” is and will be the single largest impediment to full “retirement” for those born in or after about 1952 up to 1964. That is, unless the prospective retiree has access to a decent and reasonably priced healthplan administered by a major carrier through FERS, their state or local govm’t retirement assn, their union, their private longtime employer or the military.
Obamacare is a very unpredictable “gotcha” for those on fixed incomes (even w/nominal annual COL raises). I can completely understand why many in the 55-64 age group are still working FT and will continue to do so until they have successfully signed up for Medicare, received their cards in the mail, and, in many cases, have become eligible to receive their first full SS check (currently age 66).
Younger FT worker-bees should take heed that those boomers blocking their promotional path at work are still occupying their positions for a very good reason and should endeavor to vote accordingly in this very interesting election year IF they would like to see that path cleared.