I for one am glad the elephant in the room is finally being discussed.
I’ve been posts on this thread trying to figure out this guy and watching the typical cry about need for better mental health assessment and access and awareness in the media. But nobody seem to want to talk about how this guy managed to get 3 guns and 40000 rounds of ammo.
Here’s the bottom line. People LIE when they go in to see their doctors. They lie about how much they drink, they lie about how much they exercise, they lie about how much cookies they eat. So how many would be mass murderers will tell their doctor they have a bunch of guns and ammo in the car?
Knives kill people, we understand that. Just like in Taiwan last week, some crazed college kid decided to start knifing people in the crowded subway. 4 people lost their lives. My only question is if he had the type of guns and ammo this Santa Barbara character had in a crowded subway, what would the body count be?
American rate of death by gun (homocide and suicide) is at 10/100k, most of the OECD countries are below 1/100k.