I find the polls a bit questionable. I get really doubtful when the percentages change significantly day to day or week to week. It is almost like the poll ‘results’ are being used to drive the actual results through implied ‘group think’ – when thinking, deciding like the larger group is safer or perceived as being more ‘right’.
As for whether Trump will win.. don’t know. If Russia is involved with the leaks of Clinton’s Emails etc, they may then try to cause conflict within the United States by having Clinton win (by tampering) while also revealing facts that could result in her impeachment (the electronic voting machines are proven to be insecure, and California is only allotting enough paper ballots for 10% of the vote, if more than 10% go paper – they get a provisional ballot.). – in which case, if true, would really be an indictment against the press themselves because the whole purpose of the first amendment is to inform the public – not to try to lead them about by the nose. They should have been digging into some of Clinton’s issues instead of trying to dredge every last bit of crap from Trump’s background. It would have given the DNC impetus to look elsewhere and get a better candidate, forcing the GOP to do likewise – and Trump would not have appeared and we might all have been better off.
PS: As I have mentioned before, I have done Defense contracting work, and according to the documents I had to sign when getting a clearance AND when being ‘read into’ a program – Hillary definitely and knowingly violated the law when it comes to the handling of classified info. Part of the paperwork you sign includes documents on labeling of, and handling of classified info. The statute also states that negligence or not knowing is not an excuse. You also sign that you know how to and will responsibly handle the classified data under threat of prosecution (statutes that they are trying to throw against Snowden)
This is one weird election. I propose another scenario: Hillary wins, gets outed via Wikileaks, impeached, the VP then becomes pres…