I finally talked to the landlord today, and they told me they are in fact trying to do a workout with the lender (Countrywide-good luck with that one). I told them I was going to talk to a Navy attorney tomorrow just to see what my rights are in this situation, and if they can draft any protection for me, such as placing my rent in an escrow account or whatever, if that’s even necessary. They told me they are currently in default, but I “won’t have to worry about my situation”. My rent’s not technically due until the 10th, so I still have a few days. The only way I’ll not pay my rent is if the landlord flat out says “we’re walking away, go ahead and squat”, but they’re not saying that yet. It still infuriates me that for the past 3 months at least my rent payments have not been applied to the mortgage. Oh, and I pay water, but the landlord pays garbage, so I COULD just let the trash pile up in the backyard (just kidding, but sounds kind of poetic when I think about it).