I figured thousands of companies with 50 or less workers would elect to give smallish raises and dump their employees on the exchanges. Obviously not for 2014 (since they now don’t have to comply with the HCRA for another year) but certainly for 2015 and beyond.
As for me, I’ve changed my tune. I was pretty distressed back at the end of June when I got a letter from my longtime carrier, Aetna, that they were leaving CA’s individual market and dropping ~50K CA policies (including mine) on 12/31/13. Since then, I’ve scheduled several “preventative care” appts (which are “free” or nearly free with my plan) and have 2-3 more appts to go before EOY. I was worried that I would be dumped into a plan on the state’s exchange where I couldn’t see my regular providers anymore (some of the BEST drs in SD). They have all assured me that this will not be the case.
Since then, I have done some preliminary research on coveredca.com. However sketchy the info that is avail on there now, the tax credits based upon adjusted gross income and the premiums which are on there now are likely close to an accurate representation of what they will be, at least in 2014. (I may no longer be a resident of CA in 2015 and I checked the exchange websites of the two states I am considering relocating to and their premiums are approx. $100 – $150 mo less for me than the CA exchange for the Gold and Platinum plans, respectively.)
Right now with my guaranteed retiree healthcare allowance, I am out $93 mo for an Aetna Advantage HDHP ($5000/3000). For 2014, it appears from coveredca.com that I may qualify for an “Enhanced Silver” plan ($2000/$2350). In that case, my out-of-pocket mo premium will only be ~$80. This plan has the same coverage as a “Platinum Plan.”
The above cost of my 2014 premium is due to the tax credit I will get when signing up on the exchange plus my retiree healthcare allowance.
It appears that the two carriers for Covered CA’s PPO plans are going to be Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of CA but we don’t yet know which one will be administering which plan.
If it goes down in 2014 that I am out of pocket $13 LESS for my mo premium in 2014, get more comprehensive coverage and get to keep my longtime SD providers, I won’t be complaining.
We’ll see what happens. In any case, I now have no choice but to sign up on the exchange come October.