He is lambasting Greenspan for the behavior of Congress. Congress and the States regulate the condition and laws under which manufacturing occurs.. not Greenspan. Congress sets import tariff rates.. not Greenspan. Rep. Sanders does not understand that in a global economy, things change. There should be an overall shift in work to a higher tech (higher paying) work versis blue-collar labor.
4Trillion dollar national debt.. well Hello Congress, which writes the spending bills!!! That includes you Rep. Bernie Sanders!!! So how is Greenspan going to help Health Insurance? I think Congress can help by regulating costs (Hospital rooms cost more than $2000/night.. for what? Double occupancy?.. The medicine, oxygen etc are additional charges) $2000/night buys you one hell of a hotel room!!
Fed can’t change CEO pay..
A lot of the reasons why many middle class people can’t afford anything is because they don’t control their spending (got to have that new BMW X5 SUV!!).. myself, I drive a 1985 Pickup (no joke!).
Nate Evans was behaving inappropriately. He was grand-standing to try to get something for You-Tube.