I don’t think it will ever happen. I don’t think marion is anything she claims to be… come on, a “highly educated” “woman” “psychologist” with a “luscious ass” who is 42, a mother of 2, and gets constantly hit on by younger men? Who would post such things?
My bs translator says
luscious ass = trailer trash
highly educated = high school dropout
psychologist = pathological liar
Before any uber-nerds come running to “her” rescue, let me ask: how long have you been using the internet? Have you heard of an “avatar”? Do you believe what every person tells you about themselves on a blog? I’d say that IF marion is an adult, she is possibly an aspiring actress with chemically-induced delusions of grandeur but no formal education, currently working as a waitress while waiting for the “big break”. uber-nerds just assume she is what she says she is because you got an imaginary whiff of that virtual poon so your tails are waggin’ and your “red rockets” are out… Yes I’m being vulgar but definitely not uncalled for. Look at what we’re posting about lately. Use your uber-nerd heads (the big ones, not the other ones) to analyze the posts… It’s a child you’re dealing with. Don’t you find her responses to be extremely formulaic? It’s like talking with a basic chatterbot
If you like chatting with someone of artificial intelligence, check out Ella, she can actually teach you things (for example, ask her to name all the parts of a car):
Anyhoo, I’ll put my money where my mouth is and contribute $100 plus 1 hour of my time as referee/cameraman. I will also eat crow because, as I stated, I don’t think it will ever happen because it would require revealing that one’s online avatar is wholly different than one’s self.
Disclaimer: I’m not trying to attack anyone, I just feel that if I wanted to hear lies and deceit I would go on yahoo personals or some dating blog.