I don’t support UBI. Just like TANF (welfare cash aid), people are going to run out of month before they run out of money. The gubment doesn’t have the resources to pay grown adults twice monthly and make sure they have enough to eat and a roof over their heads. It’s just going to be another “giveaway” which will be taken out of the OASDI fund, which hardworking Americans have paid into all of their lives in exchange for a promised (modest) “monthly pension” at the age of 66, as moneymaker posted here.
It will also disincentivise millenials from ever getting their sh!t together enough to move out of parents’ homes. They’ll just party on the money, lease new vehicles, buy electronics and continue to stay in parents’ back bdrms and eat their food indefinitely whilst stiffing their student loan lenders :=0
This idea, if implemented, will surely turn out to be is a disaster, IMO.