I don’t see anything saying Dreyfuss will be getting more than the rebates available to anyone else. Only that SDG&E will be using his renovation for a case study. (Which is very different than them funding/paying for it.)
And just a word on that designer he hired. My husband had the ‘pleasure’ of working with Deniece and her firm on the U.S. Grant. (Hubby was one of MANY architects that came and left in that renovation.) She’s a piece of work from what I heard. But he did say that she had some good design ideas. But the Grant renovation was an example of too many design teams competing for power and “vision” and not being managed properly.
As far as the rebates… I’m actually looking at taking advantage of the rebates/tax credits to add solar panels. Does that make me a loser expecting the taxpayers to fund a hobby, or does it make me an astute consumer looking to reduce my power consumption at the lowest cost to my pocketbook?