I don’t know where the subject lives but saw in his video where he stated he was a homeowner living on $2900+ per month while he paid off his student loan. As a homeowner myself, I have lived off $2700 – $3300 net for years (not months, as he did) and find it exceedingly difficult when utilities and insurance of every kind keeps going up, not to mention gas and food. And fuggetaboutit if your house ends up needing a repair!
I couldn’t believe it when he said he spent an avg of $1700+ every month on entertainment before he decided to pay off his student loans! WTF??? That is an avg of about $58 per day!!
I applaud him for selling extra vehicles and “stuff,” getting roommates and doing odd jobs to retire his $102K student debt in 6-7 months! The vast majority of student-loan holders just pay the minimum payments due or defer their debt into oblivion (and accrue mounting interest) until the debt is completely unmanageable and then cry wolf. This occurs no matter HOW much they’re making. Their “lifestyle” just grows along with the paycheck with no regard for trying to actually reduce their debt. :={