I dont know about alot of this stuff, havnt really been following the Temc. area real estate or its news. I do remember something about it in the news, but dont remember the details.
I just have two things:
One if a majority of the group are descended from people who imigrated from the phillipenes, or were born there and immigrated,and work in the nursing profession, saying that they are mostly filipino nurses isnt racist, or classest or anything. It is fact. Adding in that the general tie between the victoms was church tells you that not everyone falls in this catagory.
Second Pinay or pinoy isnt a bad word. From talking to my born in the phillipenes friends right now, that is roughly the equilivant of saying boy or girl. It just has an ethinic tint, since it is a FOREIGN country he was taking about. One of my friends has a shirt with PINAY and a checkmark in a box like a vote. She wears it all the time. She was born in the phillipenes, and is very proud of her heritage. It is not the equilivant of some woman wearing a shirt that said “slut” or anything else that even the most hypersensitive would take offense at.
Also, can I add that I am very sorry for your loss. My parents were swindeled a long time ago, a mining scam back in the early 80’s. My dad openly talks about how that taught him to check his greed. I am not old enough to have fallen for one of these, and have a very active father who fully intends on keeping it that way. This in my opnion is the best thing you can do to prevent future fraud.