I do think it is hilarious about the canard of the Republican Party becoming more conservative. If anything under Bush, we got more liberal, as least with respect to government spending.
As to spending yes, but the GOP started pushing a more religious agenda which caused more collisions with the issue of separation of church and state. I also think that the media coverage of Bush’s expenditures were unbalanced, particularly when taken in contrast with Obama’s. Real quick to end sniping:
*The TARP money spent on banks is a loan, the banks have to pay it back and are charged interest on the money.. about 3.5% (BofA just paid 403mil for 4 months on the money). It cost the fed about 2.5% interest on treasuries to loan the money. The fed is getting a skim of 1% on $700Bil because of the TARP – under the “baddie Bush”… Obama’s spending is not a loan, yet the amount is costing us about 2.5% interest.. which taxpayers not the banks are paying.
*Christian beliefs were not fundamental to this country when it was formed. The founders emphasized separation of Church and State. The phrase “in God We Trust” was added to our money around 1940, and was not placed there by the founders of this country.