I do not know the proceduce they did to find it. but it was on the wall from that are on the bedrooms and bathroom
All the property manager told us was: “We need to take all your stuff from your rooms to fix the walls. Also, we will take a sample (not sure of what: wall, insulations?) to determine if there is asbestos and if so, we need to take the asbesto out before starting any repair”.
To find out if there is asbesto they had to take it to a LAB.
They told us they found it and two days ago my husband went to check the place saw the rooms tented. Not sure how, he did not take a picture but told me “Honey, the apartment looks like ET, when the FEDs go to the house to get ET out and there are white tents all over”. He said there was sign in hall saying ” to enter in this area you need special clothing and mask” so he left and we have not gone to the place again. We are waiting to get a call with some updates.
as i said i moved most of my stuff (Except the kitchen and pictures hanging on the wall) to a storage so we are just waiting.
We are trying to get more information but the property manager does not seems to know much and he is telling little by little day by day based on what the people doing the work do and based and the insurance tells him what they will pay.