I do agree that the problem is complex. I think it is more of a matter of the “perfect storm”. We can get on soap boxes and say it is the supply or individual choice, but they go hand in hand. Profit motive is part of it. Being more sedentary is an issue. So is the fact that Americans make a big food event out of everything. You have to be practically counter culture to be healthy and deal with overindulgence.
It’s not only cheap processed food. It’s not only poor people.Maybe that’s where the most desperate cases have the highest incidence.Bulimia and anorexia tend to be higher in social order. So are the suicides due to these disorders. I think most of us have to mitigate against forces in our own families if we are to protect our food health as well as that of our children…and we don’t live in a food desert, on food stamps.