I disagree that construction quality is lower now. The building codes have become ever tougher over the past 50 years.
Building codes and quality are two different things. More houses these days are off-square, walls are actually not straight (this is why they use ‘knock-down’ texture. It hides this. Walls in the 60’s and earlier were smooth surface. Any unevenness would show up). Now, if they can get away with skipping code, they do. Code and code inspection keeps the builders honest. Remember that in the 60’s, the building code was much simpler. What would be the quality of those houses if the builders took the same approach to building that they do now?
The codes today, have made a more structurally sound and electrically safer house, but the quality put into the actual construction itself is lower. Note: In 1960 and earlier, 2×4 was 2×4. It is now 1.5 x 3.5, and I ran across some that were 1.5 x 3.25. Plywood used to be used, now it is OSB.