I didn’t go for the best cash flow- I went more for desireable property that sold for a little more rather than cheapest property in area/complex.Mine all have decent views – I figured I could sell them quicker if I decided I didn’t like being a Pigglord and also if a renter had to choose between having a view and being stuck facing the side of a mountain they would choose my place first so less vacancy. I wanna get one more but unless they release the (cough, cough) tsunami, I don’t see anything at all that fits my rental theme any more(ok, maybe 1 house but it’s out of our price range)
Are other Pigglords area diversified? I feel like I should look for something in other parts of the country, like say Seattle, but its much easier buying an area that I know- just have to keep my fingers crossed that sand sun and temperate weather won’t ever go out of style.