I currently live in a mostly retired community in UTC and I absolutely hate it. We feel so isolated and have nobody to talk to, plus they are really busy bodies and complain about all the kids stuff. No thnaks, we had enough of that. Sure the houses and the grounds look great, but… I am looking for a neighborhood with plenty of middle age professionals who bought early and hopefully have more than just a couple of kids of elementary school age on the block. A varied age mix is fine. I want my kids to have friends on the street. I am not ‘judging’ but I need to not feel out of place in a neighborhood. I understand the rationale for advantages of a retired neighborhood, but based on my experience, not my cup of tea.
The sales I was looking at in PQ are not distressed.
I am CERTAINLY not looking for luxury vehicles and probably I’d avoid the area if it did have mostly those as they would probably laugh at our 12 year old Oldsmobile…