“I can’t imagine that it wouldn’t. NFC is pretty much a “me too” thing, meaning that you need it to be competitive. Payment with NFC (Near Field Communication) is going to be huge. It remains to be seen how the cake is going to be divided among players, but I like NXPI’s position, since you certainly need the smartphone hardware.
Right now, we use conventional debit/credit cards with a magnetic strip. There are also “smartcards” that have an RFID chip on them allow the card to be updated, that is, the prepaid balance reduced. Nothing, however, surpasses the convenience of having all your debit, credit, and prepaid cards on your smartphone. Plus the many other uses NFC could have, such as bus/subway passes, school attendance apps, parking, food stamps, and general ID.
Smartphones (and perhaps smartphone-like devices with telephony as an application) will dominate our lives in a few years in a way we can only imagine now. Digimarc has developed software that allows smartphones to “see and hear”, INVN has developed motion-sensitive hardware, GLUU has “freemium” smartphone games, and everyone you can name is developing ways to buy instantly on your smartphone. MITEK has software that allows you to deposit checks with your smartphone.
The mind boggles. We are early in the adoption stage, but it will be a freight train”