I concur with you wholeheartedly, I follow the market closely and read all of the various blogs that you do. I also have access to Sandicor (MLS) and watch the resales closely.
This particular group of builders and development is an anomoly. Their prices have not waivered one bit. They are all sitting on lots of inventory and carrying the costs for it. Brookfield in particluar still has 23 homes for sale and did another release of six more. I am certain there is price collusion going on there. I would have never thought of it, however their behavior is completely against the grain of other developments and the market dynamics. It just does not make sense.
Also, the slip of the tongue by the Shea sales rep that the builders all do meet and do discuss prices. As I mentioned, she shared that the other builders had given Brookfield lots of grief for not raising prices in line with them.
I am wondering if there is a consumer housing watch group out there that I can contact to poke around and see what is happening here? Does anyone know of anything?