I completely disagree with you former. This Govertment/Private Sector metric has been around for a long time. Your arguement is not based on any relevent data point on this logic. The fact (as factual as any statictic can be) is that the public employees (whose salaries come from taxes only) is going up at a faster pace then the private sector.
That this fact is inflamtory is the WHOLE POINT and it speaks to taking action….not dismissing the point.
Oh and let’s not forget my favorite line from the Pulbic Sector Union rep, “compensation gap reflects the increasingly high level of skill and education required for most federal jobs and the government contracting out lower-paid jobs to the private sector in recent years.”
Where do I start?
Uhmm let’s see. Ok…The SEC with Madoff…..they were so skilled. Even with the private sector sounding alarm after alarm they seemed to have not earned their pay. But’s what’s $65 billion anyway.
Should we look at how well BTO and FDIC did in policing the balance sheets of the too big to fails? How much will that end up costing us? How about the $8billion in cash that Dod “lost” in Afganistan. With that kind of skill in our federal employees who needs crooks and enemies.