I can’t believe this thread has devolved into all this crazy talk, especially about kids who aren’t even in school yet!
Instead of worrying about “IQ” (ESP “IQ” of toddlers, lol) today’s parents would be better served by making sure their kids are ready for school (potty trained, no thumb-sucking or tugging on mommy, etc) enrolling their kid(s) in school (if public school in CA, then with UNIONized teachers) and let those UNIONized teachers do the job they were hired to do! TRUST ME, they’ll get your kid(s) through the “system” with all their A-G reqs met for college admission if your kid is even halfway motivated!
Parents should just relax about all of this and go to work every day so they can pay taxes to support the public schools and leave the education of their kids to the “experts.”
I know this info may be quite a stretch for a few Piggs out there but hundreds of thousands of students from EVERY race, nationality and socioeconomic level graduate from EVERY PUBLIC HS in CA EVERY year and get accepted into university right out of HS (yes, UC, CSU and the Ivies, etc). This thread has turned into a wacky diatribe of once again “overthinking” the whole concept of child-rearing.
I counted no less than 43 IB diploma candidates in my kid’s HS graduation class of 2014, not counting the hundreds of Honor Diploma awardees, President’s Education awardees, CSF Life Members, Honor Roll Scholarship awardees … even two National Merit Scholars! This is a school situated about 8 miles north of the international border with its largest demographic, “Hispanic” students representing 58% of the student body, “white” students representing 22%, “Asian” students representing 13%, “African American” students representing 4.6%, “American Indian/Pacific Islander” representing 1.5%. It also had 18% “socioeconomically disadvantaged” students, 11% ESL learners and 9% disabled students. Guess what, folks? Almost every one of these graduates is going to college this fall (except for the few going into the military and the developmentally-disabled students).
It doesn’t matter what the racial or even socioeconomic backgrounds of students are in a given public school. The educational opportunities in every public HS in CA are the same (except those offering IB Diploma contracts – those schools are very limited). Yes, even CA’s high schools serving rural students offer AP classes!
I’ve got Vergara v. State (CTA) on my tickler to keep tabs on the filing of a new appeal. This case truly needs to wind its way through the court system to lay this issue to rest, once and for all. CA (and the rest of the country) have come wa-a-a-a-y too far down the road in the last 60 years to be wasting time fighting off ignorant claims such as the ones these plaintiffs are making (along with the idiot judge who agrees with them).