I can tell you from my own perspective that the freedom that comes from having no debt, lots of cash reserves and NO long term housing commitments is VERY empowering.
We Sold our last house 5 years ago and bought a boat to live on short term. The upswing of the bubble caused us to delay a purchase and live on the boat longer. Finally sold the boat last year and rented a furnished condo (was the model in a new development).
Our 6 month lease has already expired and we are now living here month to month. Most of our belongings are still in storage from when we were on the boat.
When we finally buy a place it is nice to know that we’ll be able to vacate this condo and get virtually everything moved in my pick-up……..in one trip!
We have been unbelievably frustrated at not being able to land a deal in this current suckers-rally, but this thread reminds me of how mobile and unencumbered we actually are. Perhaps I should just appreciate our current freedom a little more.