I can not believe we are still talking about this. Does anyone really believe that Beck and Limbaugh and Obama and Maher are really the ones causing these crazies to lose it. Are you really trying to pin blame for these murders on them, for the way they expressed themselves.
As a society we need to look past what “caused” someone to do something. Bad people do bad things, because they are bad people. They could become good people, but they choose to be bad. We should not care if some serial rapist was molested as a child. Or why some wife beaters actions are not so bad because, after all, his dad beat him too. Move past the vitriol rhetoric and place the blame solely and absolutely on the bad person…Stop looking for other people to ensnare who have nothing to do with it.
No matter what I say, short of a “charles manson” maneuver, I can not make you commit mass murder. I think that liberals like going down this blame road, because at the heart of it, they think most people are stupid and incapable of acting independently with wisdom. So when a Limbaugh incites the rabble, the rednecks are just puppets of the puppet master. This liberal attitude becomes all the more clear when you consider all the laws liberals make to protect people from themselves.
Now that is condescension, and it makes me pretty damn angry. But, whew, it is a darn good thing I live in CA and guns are so hard to come by…