I believe what is also killing off the middle class is the entitlement attitude that our society has taken on. I believe that the tipping point has been reached with regards to a fundamental cycle that will be hard to break. That is, a ruling political party will continue to promise the lower income strata welfare in exchange for votes. As this strata grows in population, the resources needed to support them will grow. Resources will slowly be peeled away from the middle class in order to support the growing strata who will then continue to vote in support of politicians who promise to feed the machine. This of course is and will continue to be done under the guise of redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor but the middle class bears the brunt of the transfer. It is done not only through taxation but also for programs such as access to education and other programs that the middle class will are and will be deemed “to wealthy” to take advantage of…. see college education for instance.