I believe that Obama is the fox in Pinocchio, John Worthington Foulfellow. Instead of leading boys to Pleasure Island he tricked voters into voting for him by making empty promises of hope and change. Now we have to pay the piper. All the Navy Seals in all the Kingdom can capture all the Terrorists and it still will not fix the economy. Roughing up the murderer was much less than Obama having Osama executed so he did not have to try him or house him at Gitmo. I am far too old to join the military and I suggest you do not join it either with your “sensibilities” that are more about political correctness than self-defense. You sound extremely bright, but lack commonsense to me. No disrespect intended. I am sure your heart is in the right place. By the way, Obama is just playing a part and is a pawn in my opinion. He sold out a long time ago, just like Mr. Foulfellow did. It all gets down to money. It is also my opinion that Obama lacked strong male role models growing up, as evidenced by the way he throws a baseball.