I am voting for who I think is the best person for the position, not for who I think has the best chance of winning. That’s what I would do down at the Del Mar racetrack…pick a winner. This isn’t a horserace to me.
A vote for anyone other than Obama or McCain is a vote of no-confidence in our political parties and their candidates. If enough people vote their minds, hearts, and guts, then maybe the two major parties would take notice and start representing the people again. Voting for the lesser of two evils still leaves you with evil.
Republicans and Democrats have given us or allowed:
1. a $9.6 Trillion debt ($32k for every man, woman, and child).
2. Over 700 military bases in over 130 countries. http://www.commondreams.org/views04/0115-08.htm
3. Handing over the Congress’ right to coin money
3. Creation of the Federal Reserve system
4. Fiat money created out of nothing and which is backed and expanded by debt
5. Fractional reserve banking
6. A progressive tax structure whereby many people pay the gov’t nearly half of what they make.
7. Increased privacy of the government; decreased privacy of the people (Patriot Act, National ID card).
X. Any others I’ve missed…?