I am surprised to see this post of mine from over two years ago revived. Let’s review the original theme and see how it has fared over these two plus years…that theme being that Trump has upended the political scene by accomplishing, or at least making progress on, those goals that liberals claim to want.
Up until the Chinese virus hit us, the economy was roaring ahead, clearly outpacing the GNP growth rates of the Obama years. The progress was fastest for America’s lower income classes, especially minorities. The unemployment rate was so low that employers were hiring and training those marginal workers and training them, perhaps for their first job ever.
Trump’s foreign policy accomplishments are numerous–one reason the biased media doesn’t much talk about them…such as the extraordinary rapproachment between Israel and its Arab neighbors against Iran. Past administrations, of both parties, have been trying to do this for decades.
Economic progress stopped with COVID, so any recent economic trends mean little. But the leftist-inspired lockdowns that disproportionately hurt the lowest-paid workers, clearly hurt the economy and thus Trump’s reelection prospects.
The upshot is that Trump is now a working-class idol, and will get huge gains among Blacks, Hispanics, and the working class, thus upending historic political alignments. He is not a “liberal”, but has achieved what liberals claimed to want in many areas.