I am puzzled at how many educated pigs are so blind to the truth. If you think Obama and his clan are going to solve this economic crisis you are sorely mistaken. Obama has the experience of a boy scout while his views can almost be perceived as reverse racism.
He has an alternative plan and for anyone who believes that the democratic party is going to bring this country together you will eat your words within the next 12 months. I don’t like Obama or McCain, but I would much rather have a balance of power than a one sided government that won’t stop at anything to change the many laws they have been trying to for so many years.
I notice that many liberal thinkers don’t allow their minds to think outside the box at what could possibly go wrong if we have someone like Obama as our President. There is just so much anger toward Bush and the Republicans that they don’t care. I am so saddened by the lack of disinterest in researching these candidates. If you educated folks just took the time to really check these candidates out your decisions and comments would be much more educated than what I am seeing.
For your own good please look at Obama a bit more and see what his views really are and where they could potentially bring us. Our Constitution is in grave danger and I hope that all you educated people just take the time to research these candidates.