I am one of the poor rich guys you referred to Raptor. I really appreciate your comments there. Maybe I am wrong but I think most people in your shoes don’t get it. I educated myself just as hard to get to be rich this way as other do to get rich your way .I have no diplomas. I could go five or more years with out a job and be better off than most people even if my wife lost her part-time job where she makes not so much but finds fulfilment. I can live just fine marginally, but honestly employed. Periods higher success are huge windfalls by my standard. I will hopefully reach my retirement goals which are simply to be able to live like I do now without selling off my modest assets and by that being able to organize them to suit kids. Meanwhile my kids have never been under the care of anyone but my wife and I with the exception of a few occaisions with friends or family. We had 3 boys under five until Dec. when the oldest reached that milestone. We refused to put them in care until they are old enough to discuss it with us. This is excruciatingly hard and yes you do have to be rich one way or another to do it.
I also grew up very poor, in every sense of the word except for a maybe a few, like a third world one for example.
So I think you should let me sell you a house. LOL
See you around Target