I am in the NE, north of Boston…..there are homes for sale EVERYWHERE. Both Condos and Single Family.
This morning on talk radio they were talking about housing having reached bottom.
But, aside from hospitals, lawyers and biotech, universities and some tourism, Boston isn’t an industrial place either.
The second wave of ARMs is coming. I think SD had more ARMs than Boston, but the papers and talk shows here are featuring stories about credit&housing. I am pretty certain New England will continue to adjust down. I don’t pay much attention to this NE market, except to notice a lot more for sale signs…
No one’s flocking here for sunshine…that is for sure. About two years ago there were articles about high tech (and Biotech) having difficulty attracting the “best” professionals…due to the exploding cost of living (homes) vs salaries. It’s not at all attractive when you are coming from out of town –there is no premium to live in a blizzard zone. Unless you are one of the strange sailors who live for ice sailing…..