“I am curious about his voting record, and his relationship with Tony Rezko, and his emergence from the Chicago Democratic Machine and where those particular bodies (figuratively speaking) are buried.”
I am sure the Clintons were curious about that too. I could be wrong but I don’t think much will emerge on that front. If there was anything there I don’t think the Clintons would keep it under raps for the good of the party. Keep in mind they probably had more access to the goings on’s in Chicago given they ruled the party for the past 16 years.
Here is my concern with an Obama presidency, it’s that he won’t be able to manage to what appears is going to be a heavily Democratic House, Senate, Governors, state legislatures, aldermans etc. One Party Rule. As the Washington Post article I posted earlier points out “We Don’t Have Any Money”. I mean we just came off one era of One Party Rule and look how that turned out…and those guys were the conservatives.