“I am concerned that if we don’t stop the drop in home prices now, they are going to crater to absurd levels!”-OP
SO…. then people would be buying houses they could actually afford AND have money in their pocket to spend in other ways like consuming things (ie shopping)? That would create jobs for people, which would allow more people to afford a house, which would mean more jobs for people who build/fix/furnish houses, which would mean more people could afford to buy a house,which means banks would be making healthy, repayable loans and earning a decient return for people responsible enough to save, making more jobs (banking) for people who then could……..
Amazing! Realistic housing prices seem to have a built in healthy buisness cycle to it as long as Unky Sam and his do-gooder thugs stop F’ing it all up.
And please, IF you are still on this forum and not just spaming us, please tell me what “Absurd” levels are. I have a funny feeling your idea of ‘absurd’ is damn close to the traditional level of ‘NORMAL’.