I am also in a similar position as far as an early retirement, but I am quite a bit younger, so I my thoughts differ quite a bit. My money is out of stocks and invested in commodities and other investments that should move in a positive direction as we hit a steep inflationary period. I find it hard to fathom retirement in a market such as this regardless of my financial situation. I think you should concentrate more on the short term with your finances rather than looking at a future early retirement. I say this because America is on the brink of a collapse. It may not be apparent to someone in the video game industry, but trust me your financial situation will change within the next year and your stocks may end up taking another big beating, which could put you in a completely different situation.
Just a quick background on Temecula. I had the opportunity of attending school in Temecula in my youth and really enjoyed the town. Unfortunately now it is extremely overbuilt, but I believe that may be a bonus long term. $200K homes area a dime a dozen in that town and to have 2500sqft with a nice yard at $1,500+/- per month is a no brainer.
There are plenty of activities in town and the local government does a great job of keeping things moving! As much as I love living on the beach, I have actually contemplating moving back to Temecula to save money. I work out of the house as well, which makes things much more intriguing.